7th World Congress on Recent
Advances in Nanotechnology (RAN'22)

April 04, 2022 - April 06, 2022 | Lisbon, Portugal
Due to COVID'19 pandemic it will be done VIRTUALLY

Our program schedule is based on Eastern Time (EDT - Ottawa Time)

The RAN 2022 Congress is composed
of 2 conferences

Our program schedule is based on Eastern Time (EDT - Ottawa Time)

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


RAN'2022 Scientific Committee Chairs:

Wolfgang Ensinger
Dr. Wolfgang Ensinger

Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Congress Chair

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Dr. Josef Jampilek
Dr. Josef Jampilek

Comenius University, Slovakia
Congress Co-Chair

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Local Co-Chairs:

Dr. João Manuel Cunha Rodrigues
Dr. João Manuel Cunha Rodrigues

University of Madeira, Portugal
Congress Local Co-Chair

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Dr. Manuel Bañobre-López
Dr. Manuel Bañobre-López

International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal
Congress Local Co-Chair

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Dr. Sofia Lima
Dr. Sofia Lima

University of Porto, Portugal
Congress Local Co-Chair

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Our program schedule is based on Eastern Time (EDT - Ottawa Time)

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM


8:00 AM - 8:15 AM

Official Opening
Dr. Wolfgang Ensinger, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

8:15 AM - 09:00 AM

NDDTE'22 Keynote Lecture
Advances in Nucleic Acid Medicine Delivery to the Brain
Dr. Moein Moghimi, Newcastle University, UK

9:00 AM - 09:45 AM

ICNNFC'22 Keynote Lecture
Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots as Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Dr. Philippe Knauth, Aix Marseille Université, France

09:45 AM - 09:55 AM


9:55 AM - 10:45 AM

Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery I

10:45 AM - 12:15 PM

Nanomaterials Applications

12:15 PM - 12:45 PM

Lunch Break

12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

ICNNFC'22 Keynote Lecture
The Role of the Biomolecule Corona in Determining Biocompatibility of Nanoscale Materials
Dr. Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham, UK

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Detecting and Monitoring of Nanomaterials I

2:00 PM - 2:40 PM

Nanotechnology: Modeling and Simulation

NDDTE'22 Keynote Lecture

April 05| 8:15 AM - 9:00 AM | Session Chair: Dr. Wolfgang Ensinger, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Dr. Moein Moghimi

Advances in Nucleic Acid Medicine Delivery to the Brain
Dr. Moein Moghimi, Newcastle University, UK

Moein Moghimi is a Professor of Pharmaceutics and Nanomedicine at the School of Pharmacy, and Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University (UK), and an Adjoint Professor at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado-Denver. He is also co-founder of three spin-offs in USA and UK, and Associate Editor of Molecular Therapy (Cell Press). He graduated with Honors in Biochemistry from the University of Manchester (UK) in 1985 and then completed a PhD in Biochemistry at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School (Imperial College, London).

Moghimi is widely recognised for his contribution to fundamental and translational research in nanomedicine and drug delivery, especially in mechanistic understanding of nanoparticle-mediated complement activation and infusion reactions, and as an inventor of many nanosystems for tissue-specific targeting. The latter have included “splenotropic” and “lymphotropic” nanoparticles. Among the latest inventions of Moghimi’s laboratory are the NanoLigand Carriers. These are induced self-assemblies of phage-derived display peptides that on intravenous injection rapidly target two receptors on the blood brain-barrier, reaching neurons and microglia. A 2021 study by Stanford University list Moghimi among the top 0.08% of world’s leading scientists across in all fields, and rank him at 53 (out of 131,063) in the field of pharmacology in the world and 28 in Europe. As to date, Moghimi’s research programme has secured over €25 million funding. He is widely published (>300 research papers, reviews, book chapters, proceedings, etc., ORCID: 0000-0003-0836-926X) and cited (>24,000 citations and h-index of 70, GS as of Jan 2022), and has delivered >400 invited plenaries, keynote speeches and distinguished lectures world-wide. He also serves on editorial board of >10 international journals including Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Journal of Controlled Release and Nanomedicine (Lond.). He is also an active consultant to industry and governmental organisations.

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Keynote Lecture

April 05| 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM | Session Chair: Dr. Wolfgang Ensinger, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Dr. Philippe Knauth

Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots as Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Dr. Philippe Knauth, Aix Marseille Université, France

Currently Professor of Materials Chemistry and Director of the Chemistry Department at Aix Marseille University. Obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry (Dr. rer. nat., Saarland University) in 1987 and the Habilitation in Materials Science (Aix Marseille University) in 1996. Prior to becoming a Full Professor in 1999, hold different positions: post-doctoral fellow (CNRS, Centre de Thermodynamique et de Microcalorimétrie, 1987-1989), laboratory head at Bayer Co. (Pigments and Ceramics Division, 1989-1990) and CNRS researcher (“Chargé de Recherche“, 1990-1999). Member of the Editorial Board of several international journals: “Journal of Electroceramics” (Springer), “Journal of Nanomaterials” (Hindawi), “Frontiers in Energy Research” and “Membranes” (MDPI). Société Chimique de France (SCF): Vice-President (2006-2010) and President (2010-2017) of the “Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur” regional section and member of the Administration Council (Board of Directors) of SCF (representing the regional sections 2012-2017).

HIUPAC: National Representative 2015-2019 and Titular Member since 2019 (Division II: Inorganic Chemistry). Appointed visiting scholar at MIT in 1997-98 and 2013 and Invited professor at the National Institute of Materials Science (Tsukuba, Japan) in 2007 and 2010 and at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 2009, 2011 and 2022.

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April 05| 9:55 AM - 10:45 PM | Session Chair: Dr. Wolfgang Ensinger, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery I

Time: 9:55 - 10:10
Presenter: Reatul Karim, East West University, Bangladesh
Authors: Reatul Karim, Farhana Rizwan, Md. Mahbubur Rahman Tanim, Sabrin Islam Khan

Time: 10:10 - 10:25
Presenter: Samin A. Dastjerd, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Authors: Samin A. Dastjerd, Melike Sessevmez, Erdal Cevherand Gülhayat Nasun-Saygılı

Time: 10:25 - 10:40
Presenter: Ali Asram Sagiroglu, Bezmialem Vakif University, Turkey
Authors: Ali Asram Sagiroglu

Time: 10:40 - 10:45
Presenter: Yulia Ulianova, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Russia
Authors: Yulia Ulianova, Yulia Ermolenko, Vladimir Trukhan, Vladimir Ivanov, Ildar Iusupov, Alexander Kurkin, Svetlana Gelperina

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April 05| 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM | Session Chair: Dr. Marta Sevieri, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy & Dr. María del Mar Collado González, University of Murcia, Spain

Nanomaterials Applications

Time: 10:45 - 11:00
Presenter: Tatiana Oskolkova, ITMO University, Russia
Authors: Tatiana Oskolkova, Ekaterina Kolesova, Anna Orlova

Time: 11:00 - 11:15
Presenter: Ahilan Manisekaran, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Authors: Ahilan Manisekaran, Patrick Grysan, Benoît duez, Damien Lenoble, and Jean-Sébastien Thomann

Time: 11:15 - 11:30
Presenter: Dr. Wolfgang Ensinger, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Authors: Khaled M. Amin, Tim Boettcher, Martin C. Scheuerlein, Wolfgang Ensinger

Time: 11:30 - 11:45
Presenter: Farinaz Jonidi Shariatzadeh,University of Manitoba, Canada
Authors: Farinaz Jonidi Shariatzadeh, Sarvesh Logsetty and Song Liu

Time: 11:45 - 12:00
Presenter: Sara Ghaderahmadi, University of Victoria, Canada
Authors: Sara Ghaderahmadi, Nishat Tasnim, Mohammad Arjmand, Mina Hoorfar

Time: 12:00 - 12:15
Presenter: Hadil Abu Khalifeh, Abu Dhabi University, UAE
Authors: H. AbuKhalifeh, I. M. AlNashef, B. Zhuman, I. Zuburtikudis

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ICNNFC'22 Keynote Lecture

April 05| 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM | Session Chair: Dr. Josef Jampilek, Comenius University, Slovakia

Dr. Iseult Lynch

The Role of the Biomolecule Corona in Determining Biocompatibility of Nanoscale Materials
Dr. Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham, UK

Professor Iseult Lynch undertook her PhD in Physical Chemistry at University College Dublin developing responsive polymeric materials for use in medical devices and as tissue growth substrates. She subsequently did several years of postdoctoral research at Physical Chemistry 1, Lund University in Sweden, including as an EU Marie Curie Fellow, investigating several aspects of colloid and interface science and biophysics. She returned to University College Dublin in 2006 where she led the nanoparticle synthesis and bio-characterisation group at the Centre for BioNano Interactions (CBNI). She then became the Strategic Research Manager for CBNI, and was instrumental in securing multiple large scale national and EU funding bids. In March 2013 she joined the University of Birmingham as a Lecturer in Environmental Nanosciences, becoming Senior Lecturer in 2015 and Professor of Environmental Nanosciences in 2016.

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April 05| 1:30 PM - 02:00 PM | Session Chair: Dr. Sergej Tomić, Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy, Serbia

Detecting and Monitoring of Nanomaterials I

Time: 01:30 - 01:45
Presenter: Marta Sevieri, Milano University, Italy
Authors: Marta Sevieri, Serena Mazzucchelli, Arianna Chesi, Cristina Sottani, Fabio Corsi

Time: 01:45 - 02:00
Presenter: Mahan Ghazi, University of British Columbia, Canada
Authors: Mahan Ghazi, Nishat Tasnim, Mina Hoorfar

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April 05| 2:00 PM - 02:40 PM | Session Chair: Dr. Marta Sevieri, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy & Dr. María del Mar Collado González, University of Murcia, Spain

Nanotechnology: Modeling and Simulation

Time: 02:00 - 02:15
Presenter: Anais Colibaba, University College Dublin, Ireland
Authors: Anais Colibaba, Konstantinos Kotsis, Vladimir Lobaskin

Time: 02:15 - 02:30
Presenter: Konstantinos Kotsis, University College Dublin, Ireland
Authors: Konstantinos Kotsis, Vladimir Lobaskin

Time: 02:30 - 02:35
Presenter: Ian Rouse, University College Dublin, Ireland
Authors: Ian Rouse, David Power, Stefano Poggio, Erik Brandt, Hender Lopez, Alexander Lyubartsev, Vladimir Lobaskin

Time: 02:35 - 02:40
Presenter: Parinaz Mosaddeghi Amini, University College Dublin, Ireland
Authors: Parinaz Mosaddeghi Amini, Julia Subbotina, Vladimir Lobaskin

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Our program schedule is based on Eastern Time (EDT - Ottawa Time)

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

ICNNFC'22 Keynote Lecture
Ion Damage Tracks in Polymers - Fabrication of 1-Dimensional Nanostructures: Nanochannels, Nanowires and Nanotubes
Dr. Wolfgang Ensinger,Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

8:45 AM - 9:30 AM

NDDTE'22 Keynote Lecture
Nanoscale Antimycotics and Antifungal Active Nanocomposites
Dr. Josef Jampilek, Comenius University, Slovakia

9:30 AM - 09:40 AM


9:40 AM - 10:50 AM


10:50 AM - 11:30 AM

Nanotechnology and Biomedical Applications

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Lunch Break

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

ICNNFC'22 Keynote Lecture
Nanostructuration in Hydrogels and Electrospun Fibre Mats for Biomedical Applications
Dr. Alexander Korsunsky, University of Oxford, UK

12:45 PM- 01:05 PM

Thin Films

01:05 PM- 02:50 PM

Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery II

Keynote Lecture

April 06 | 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM | Session Chair: Dr. Josef Jampilek, Comenius University, Slovakia

Dr. Wolfgang Ensinger

Ion Damage Tracks in Polymers - Fabrication of 1-Dimensional Nanostructures: Nanochannels, Nanowires and Nanotubes
Dr. Wolfgang Ensinger,Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Wolfgang Ensinger studied chemistry and physics at the Universities in Karlsruhe and Heidelberg in Germany. He received his PhD in 1988 from Heidelberg University. Thereafter, he was a guest researcher at Osaka National Research Institute in Japan, lecturer at Institute of Solid State Physics at University Augsburg and professor of Analytical and Nuclear Chemistry at University of Marburg. Since 2004, he is a full professor of Material Analysis at Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany. His research topics include formation of thin films and nanostructures, including nanochannels, nanowires and nanotubes. He has authored/co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific publications.

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Keynote Lecture

April 06 | 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM | Session Chair: Dr. Wolfgang Ensinger,Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Dr. Josef Jampilek

Nanoscale Antimycotics and Antifungal Active Nanocomposites
Dr. Josef Jampilek, Comenius University, Slovakia

Josef Jampilek completed his Ph.D. degree in Medicinal Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Charles University (Czech Republic) in 2004. In 2004-2011, he worked in expert and managerial posts in the R&D Division of the pharmaceutical company Zentiva (Czech Republic). Prof. Jampilek deepened his professional knowledge at the Medicinal Chemistry Institute of the Heidelberg University (Germany) and at multiple specialized courses. In 2017, he was designated as a Full Professor of Medicinal Chemistry. At present he works at the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Palacky University in Olomouc (Czech Republic) and the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). In addition, he is a visiting professor at the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland) and Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong SAR, China) and an invited professor/expert at various higher educational institutions. He is an author/co-author of more than 30 patents/patent applications, more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific publications, 7 university textbooks, more than 30 chapters in monographs, and many invited lectures at international conferences and workshops. He also received several awards for his scientific results, e.g., from Aventis, Elsevier, Willey, Sanofi and FDA. The research interests of Prof. Jampilek include design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationships of heterocyclic compounds as anti-invasive and anti-inflammatory agents as well as nanosystems. He is also interested in ADME, drug bioavailability and solid-state pharmaceutical analysis.

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April 06 | 09:40 PM - 10:50 AM | Session Chair: Dr. Josef Jampilek, Comenius University, Slovakia & Dr. Konstantinos Kotsis, University College Dublin, Ireland


Time: 09:40 - 09:45
Presenter: Yoo Su Kang, Kangwon National University, South Korea
Authors: Yoo Su Kang, Woong Ki Jang, Young Ho Seo, Byeong Hee Kim

Time: 09:45 - 09:50
Presenter: Se Hyong Lee, Kangwon National University, South Korea
Authors: Byeong Hee Tae, Eui Don Han, Se Hyong Lee, Byeong Hee Kim, Young Ho Seo

Time: 09:50 - 10:05
Presenter: Khaled M. Amin, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Authors: Khaled M. Amin, Wolfgang Ensinger

Time: 10:05 - 10:20
Presenter: Weronika Brzozowska, University of Szczecin, Poland
Authors: Weronika Brzozowska, Izabela Wojtczak, Myroslav Sprynskyy, Ewa Olewnik-Kruszkowska, Bogusław Buszewski

Time: 10:20 - 10:35
Presenter: Mar Collado-González, University of Leeds, UK
Authors: Mar Collado-González, Gurmeet Kaur, Yadira González-Espinosa, Rebecca Brooks, and Francisco M Goycoolea

Time: 10:35 - 10:50
Presenter: Railean Viorica, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland
Authors: Railean Viorica, Anna Król-Górniak, Pomastowski Pawel, Buszewski Boguslaw

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April 06 | 10:50 AM - 11:30 AM | Session Chair: Dr. Sofia Lima, University of Porto, Portugal & Dr. Sergej Tomić, Institute for the Application of Nuclear Energy, Serbia

Nanotechnology and Biomedical Applications

Time: 10:50 - 11:05
Presenter: Swati Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology, India
Authors: Swati Mishra

Time: 11:05 - 11:20
Presenter: Amod Kulkarni, University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Slovakia
Authors: Amod Kulkarni, Jana Hruškovicová, Katarína Bhide, Patrícia Mertinková, Evelína Mochnáčová, and Mangesh Bhide

Time: 11:20 - 11:25
Presenter: Anastasia Kanioura, Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Greece
Authors: Anastasia Kanioura, Angelos Zeniou, Panagiota Petrou, Adamantia Papadopoulou, Eleni Mavrogonatou, Dimitris Kletsas, Angeliki Tserepi, Evangelos Gogolides, Sotirios Kakabakos

Time: 11:25 - 11:30
Presenter: Aimee Cheesbrough, Centre for Gene Therapy and Regenerative Medicine, MRC Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, Kings College London, UK
Authors: Aimee Cheesbrough, Ivo Lieberam, Wenhui Song

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Keynote Lecture

April 06 | 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM | Session Chair: Dr. Josef Jampilek, Comenius University, Slovakia

Dr. Alexander Korsunsky

Nanostructuration in Hydrogels and Electrospun Fibre Mats for Biomedical Applications
Dr. Alexander Korsunsky, University of Oxford, UK

Professor Alexander Korsunsky is a world-leader in engineering microscopy of materials for optimisation of design, durability and performance. He leads the MBLEM lab (Multi-Beam Laboratory for Engineering Microscopy) at Oxford, and the Centre for In situ Processing Science (CIPS) at the Research Complex, Harwell. He consults Rolls-Royce plc on matters of residual stress and structural integrity, and is Editor-in-Chief of Materials & Design, a major Elsevier journal (2018 impact factor 5.770).

Alexander holds the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) from Merton College, Oxford. He was Junior Research Fellow at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, and Lecturer at Newcastle University, before returning to Oxford. Each year he gives several keynote and plenary lectures at major international conferences. He has extensive links that include visiting appointments in Italy (Roma Tre), France (ENSICAEN) and Singapore (NUS, NTU, A*Star).

Prof Korsunsky’s research interests concern improved understanding of integrity and reliability of engineered and natural structures and systems, from high-performance metallic alloys to polycrystalline ceramics to natural hard tissue such as human dentin and seashell nacre. He co-authored books on fracture mechanics (Springer), elasticity (CUP) residual stress (Elsevier), and published ~350 papers in scholarly periodicals on subjects ranging from multi-modal microscopy, neutron and synchrotron X-ray analysis, contact mechanics and structural integrity to micro-cantilever bio-sensors, size effects and scaling transitions. His h-index is 38, with his top publications cited over 500 times.

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April 06 | 12:45 PM - 01:05 PM | Session Chair: Dr. Konstantinos Kotsis, University College Dublin, Ireland

Thin Films

Time: 12:45 - 01:00
Presenter: Volodya Harutyunyan, Russian-Armenian University, Republic of Armenia
Authors: Volodya Harutyunyan

Time: 01:00 - 01:05
Presenter: Walid Mnasri, CY Cergy Paris Université, France
Authors: Walid Mnasri, Sébastien Péralta, Xavier Sallenave

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April 06 | 01:05 PM - 02:50 PM | Session Chair: Dr. Sofia Lima, University of Porto, Portugal

Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery II

Time: 01:05 - 01:20
Presenter: Arianna Bonizzi, University of Milan, Italy
Authors: Arianna Bonizzi, Marta Truffi, Leopoldo Sitia, Serena Mazzucchelli1, Sara Negri, Luca Sorrentino, Marta Sevieri and Fabio Corsi

Time: 01:20 - 01:35
Presenter: Bianca Garcia, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Authors: Bianca Bonetto Moreno Garcia, Omar Mertins, Sang Won Han

Time: 01:35 - 01:50
Presenter: Sergej Tomić, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Authors: Sergej Tomić, Marina Bekić, Miloš Vasiljević, Dušica Stojanović, Dragana Vučević, Petar Uskoković, Miodrag Čolić and Vanja Kokol

Time: 01:50 - 02:05
Presenter: Francesca Rodà, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Authors: Francesca Rodà, Silvia Picciolini, Alice Gualerzi, Valentina Mangolini, Francesca Re, Antonio Renda, Antonia Antoniou, Pierfausto Seneci, Sara Pellegrino, Marzia Bedoni

Time: 02:05 - 02:20
Presenter: Valentina Mangolini, Laboratory of Nanomedicine and Clinical Biophotonics (LABION), Italy
Authors: Valentina Mangolini, Silvia Picciolini, Francesca Rodà1,, Alice Gualerzi, Francesca Re, Antonia Antoniou, Sabrina Giofrè, Marzia Bedoni

Time: 02:20 - 02:35
Presenter: Doaa Ahmed Mohamed, University of Liverpool, UK
Authors: Doaa Ahmed Mohamed, Alice Howarth, Ibane Abasolo, Maiara Montanha, Monserrat Llaguno, Paul Southern, Quentin Pankurst, Zamira V. Díaz-Riascos, Neill Liptrott

Time: 02:35 - 02:50
Presenter: Reatul Karim, East West University, Bangladesh
Authors: Reatul Karim, Farhana Rizwan, Md. Mahbubur Rahman Tanim, Sabrin Islam Khan

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